Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Journey Through the Museum

Entrance to the Sanskriti Museum
Journey through the Museum

The journey through the museum, beings with the Paleolithic section of man in the past in Hazaribagh. The visitor is first of all introduced to the showcase with the stone tools of the Paleolithic age where one can view the stone tools. These stone tools help in the understanding of how man lived and worked hundred of thousands of years ago. 
Museum Collection
The museum has in its collection the stone tools going through the Lower Palaeolithic, middle Paleolithic and upper Paleolithic ages. These stone tools of the middle and upper Paleolithic are evidence of a continued evolution of man in a given region. 

Next the visitors are introduced the stone tools of the Mesolithic age and Neolithic ages. The Museum has over two hundred stone tools in its collection.

Stone Tool Collection 

Lower Palaeolithic
Middle Palaeolithic
Upper Palaeolithic

Neolithic Stone tools


Mesolithic stone tools

Museum Collection

Next, the visitor is introduced to the Pottery section where the various pottery are exhibited. This section had the Coiled pottery, Stone ware, Northern Black polished ware, Ochre colored pottery, and painted grew ware pottery. 

Next, the visitor is introduced to the Chalcolithic age (3000 B.C) evidence in the Coppery jewelry exhibited in the museum. This is followed by the Iron age (1000 B.C) evidenced in the iron implements, spear heards etc. in the Museum.

Rockart Panels

After this the visitor is shown the mural wall which has paintings of the rock art found in Hazaribagh. This panoramic view of the rock art in almost life size image is the first introduction to the wonderful world of prehistoric paintings in Hazaribagh. The hunting scenes, wild animals like tigers, wild boars, cheetal, deer, frogs and rhinoceros painted alongside to geometric designs are all painted to the viewers delight and makes them want to visit the actual sites in remote hills of south west Hazaribagh.

Sanskriti Art Gallery

The centre of the hall is a hanging gallery of Tribal art paintings in Khovar and Sohrai style of various ethnic groups like Prajapati, Kurmi, Rana, Teli, Ganju, Oraon, munda, etc. 

Buddhist sculpture from Canary hill

This is followed by the introduction the Buddhist sites of Hazaribagh and Chatra. There are few sample pieces in display at the Museum, while the rest are in the villages in the region. These Buddhist engraving on sandstone and granite rocks are beautifully carved and showing various gods and goddesses along with Buddha is the four Mudra. There are beautiful pieces scattered in numerous sites through out the district.

Arts and Crafts Collection

Museum Collections
Malhar Metal casting
Embroidered Quilt Gallery

Embroidered Quilt (Ledra)

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